The Vipingo Ridge Triathlon
Every December we call on budding athletes to try out our sprint triathlon. Our marine reserve, unique landscape and stunning routes makes for an unforgettable experience.
Swim 750m - Bike 20km - Run 5km
Join us Saturday 21st December 2024
The provisional outline programme at the Vipingo Ridge Beach Club
Bike Collection and Checks: 06:45
Sign on: 07:00
Briefing: 07:35
Mass Start: 08:00
Lunch: from 11:00
Prize giving: 12:00
Entry Prices
You can enter individually or as a team of 2 or 3.
Entry fee for individual KES 2,500.
Entry fee for team KES 3,500 per team.
M-Pesa PayBill Number: 4061611
Account Number: TRI and Name of entrant
If multiple payments are made please add all the MPesa refs.
All participants under 11 must be accompanied by an adult at all times on the route.
Minimum age for all participants is 8 years.
The Triathlon Course
Leg 1 - the swim
Swim takes place in the sea in open water with many other swimmers competing along side you and currents to content with.
You must run North up the beach and enter the water, swimming to the left of the buoy, go around the buoy with it on you right hand side and swim toward the South and around the second buoy with it on your right side.
Run up the beach and cross under the banner shouting out your race number clearly to the timing desk.
You will also get a transition time that will be reflected in your overall time.
Leg 2 - the cycle
The bike ride takes you out of the Beach Club gate and right for 2km.
At the end of the beach road you will stop briefly at your first sticker check point to receive a sticker on your helmet from a marshal. Please stop here as this helps us to know you have passed this point
Here you start your 200m of climb up to clubhouse.
Near the Clubhouse you will find the first water stop. This is the second sticker check point where all riders must stop to receive a sticker on your helmet from the water stop team.
Head towards the mango forest where you will meet a third check point to collect another sticker from the southern wall in Vipingo Ridge before the steep decent. Caution here as it is steep, fast and there are big jumps!
Down to airstrip and pass the correct way around the roundabout
Out of the main Vipingo Ridge gate
Turn left at the end of the tree lined avenue and drive along the dirt road between the sisal and main road
Over the main highway road where you will be assisted to cross safely
Continue down the gravel track for 2.5km back to the Vipingo Ridge Beach Club
You must cross the finish line under the banner before transitioning to the run.
Leg 3 - the run
The run takes you out of the Beach Club gate, turn right. After 500m turn left to follow the run route
Run through lovely farm land and friendly villages
3km in you will meet the beach road with a water stop and check point.
Collect your check point sticker on your race bib.
Run along the beach road back towards the beach club
It’s all downhill from the gate to the finish line for that final push over the finish line
Before the event
Bike Inspection: Ensure your bike is in good working condition. Check for any damage or mechanical issues, such as tire pressure, brakes, gears, and chain. Make necessary repairs or adjustments well in advance.
Safety Gear: Have the necessary safety gear, including a properly fitting helmet, cycling shoes (if used), and gloves.
Tools and Supplies: Bring basic tools and supplies for quick repairs or adjustments, such as tire levers, spare tubes, a multi-tool, and a mini-pump.
Transportation: Plan how you'll transport your bike to the event.
At the event
Early Arrival: Arrive at the event venue well in advance. This allows time for parking, registration, equipment marking and setting up your transition area.
Equipment Marking: At registration you will be given a bib with a number for your run, a race plate for your bicycle and you will be marked on your body for the swim.
Bike Identification: Ensure your bike is labeled with your race plate number. This helps event officials identify your bike.
Security: Keep an eye on your bike in the transition area. While theft is rare, it's essential to remain vigilant.
Transition Preparation: Organise your transition area with all the gear you need for the bike and run segments. Lay out your shoes, helmet, sunglasses, and any other necessary items.
Helmets: Always wear your helmet when riding your bike during the event. Fasten the chinstrap securely.
Course Familiarity: Be familiar with the bike course by reviewing instructions. Look out for course markers and directions.
View the cycle map. View the run map.
Transitions and timekeeping
Transitions will be separately timed.
Your swim leg is timed from the start whistle until the top of the beach as you cross under the banner.
Your cycle leg time begins as you pass the transition table in the car park.
Your cycle leg time ends as you cross the banner under the start finish line.
Your run leg then begins as you pass the transition table in the car park.
If you are very keen to know your transition times we suggest using a Garmin or other timing device.
Please note, if your race number is not visible through the checkpoints, we will be unable to provide your time for you and you may be disqualified. If you are asked by a marshal for your race number, please shout it at them!
First aid
Our First Aider, Evans will be on hand to triage and assess any competitors in need of first aid.
Should there be a need for further treatment a transfer to Welcare Medical Centre at Vipingo Ridge can be organised. Should an ambulance be required, this can be organised by the competitor with Welcare Medical.
Please be aware that the race is unsupported for much of the course with significant and potentially dangerous rural off-road terrain for the cycling and running legs. It is the responsibility of competitors to ensure they have fitness to complete the course to avoid accident or injury to yourself or your fellow competitors.
Here are a few rules for the Vipingo Ridge Triathlon 2024 to help guide you
Age Categories: Participants will be grouped into age categories to ensure fair competition. Age categories will include: U13 (12- 8yrs), U18(14-17yrs), Elite (18-50yrs) and Veteran 50+
All participants under 11 years must be accompanied by an adult at each stage.Race Briefing: All participants are required to attend a mandatory pre-race briefing to review rules, course details, and safety instructions. This starts promptly at 07:15.
Registration: Participants must register in advance through the link below and provide accurate personal information. False information may result in disqualification.
Safety Gear: Participants must wear appropriate safety gear, including helmets during the bike segment. Helmets must be securely fastened at all times while on the bike.
Course Familiarity: Participants are responsible for being familiar with the race course, including swim, bike, and run segments. The course is marked with chalk and some junctions will have stewards
First Aid: Should you require first aid please contact the medical Health professional on site. If required you will be transferred to Welfare Medical centre at Vipingo Ridge for further assessment and treatment at your own cost.
Swim Caps and goggles: Participants can choose to wear these or not.
Drafting: Drafting during the swim is not allowed. Maintain a reasonable distance from other swimmers to avoid interference.
Course Markings: Follow course markings and always swim with your right shoulder against the buoy when swimming around it. In case of distress, signal for assistance and follow lifeguard guidance.
Safety: Safety: If under 11 you must have an adult swim with you.
Wetsuits: Wetsuits are allowed but not mandatory.
Helmet: A securely fastened helmet is mandatory while on the bike. Failure to wear a helmet will result in disqualification.
Traffic Rules: Participants must follow all traffic laws and signals when on public roads. Stay to the left, signal turns, and yield to traffic as necessary. At the two main road crossings you must wait to be signaled across by the police officers.
No Outside Assistance: Participants may not receive outside assistance or support during the bike segment.
Safety: If under 11 you must have an adult ride with you.
Check points: Check points: There are 3 check points which must be stopped at and a sticker collected on your helmet. If we need to check on timings we will require you to show us these check point stickers at the end of the event.
Course Markings: Follow course markings and directions from race officials and volunteers.
No Unauthorised Accompaniment: Runners may not be accompanied by individuals not participating in the event unless they are U11 when it is a safety requirement.
Check points: There is 1 check point which must be stopped at and a sticker collected on your race plate number. If we need to check on timings we will require you to show us these check point stickers at the end of the event.
Transition Area: Only participants and authorized personnel are allowed in the transition area.
No Littering: Dispose of any litter or gear properly in designated areas.
Relay Teams: Relay teams consist of three members: one swimmer, one cyclist, and one runner.
Nominated Swimmer: You can choose to register using a nominated swim time, but can not use another participants swim time.
Team Equipment: Relay teams are responsible for their equipment and transitions.
Rule violations will result in penalties or disqualification, depending on the severity and repetition of the violation.
Penalties will be applied at the discretion of race officials and judges.
Collecting Four check point stickers is essential for each individual or team
Enjoy your morning at the Vipingo Ridge Beach Club with tea, coffee and Mandazi’s available from 06:30 to fuel your cheerleading efforts.
Lunch will be available from 11:00. Please book a table to avoid disappointment as we anticipate we will be busy.
Book a table +254 794 814 165
Bike and Helmet Rental
If you would like to rent a bike from Vipingo Ridge please call for a full list of makes, models, age of bike and types of helmets available.
Phone Number 0700337489
As part of the fun of the day we will be fundraising for the our partners Oceans Alive Trust and you will be able to buy raffle tickets in aid of the Kuruwitu Marine Conservancy.
The prize draw will be part of the prizegiving ceremony after the competition.
The 2023 Vipingo Ridge Triathlon
In 2023 the winning formula of a 750m open water swim followed by a 20km bike ride up on to the Ridge was again followed by a picturesque 5km run from the Beach Club through indigenous forest.
Suitable for all ages, but with a confident fitness level, in 2023 we accepted 76 entrants to the event. We had 31 individual competitors, 15 teams.
The event is always well attended, with spectators gathering at the Vipingo Ridge Beach Club joining to support the efforts. Check out the news article with the image gallery or to see the full results, please click the link below.