Vipingo Ridge News
Catch up on the latest events and activities at the Ridge.
Mazingira Day with Collaborative Beach Clean Up
Celebrating Mazingira Day with a community-led environmental event. Coming together with local kids, CBOs and KWS Directors to prioritise our environment.
Supporting the transformation of local food systems
The first convening of the Local and Indigenous Food Systems Transformation (LIFT) Network with Oceans Alive. The founder members from Nigeria, Brazil, Kenya, Canada, and Fiji will be at Vipingo Ridge this coming week.
Coral bleaching event: impact of the warming ocean
For World Ocean Day we focus on the work of partner Oceans Alive, the KCWA and the local impact of the recent global coral bleaching event.
Community Unites for Successful Beach Clean-Up
The inaugural 2024 Kuruwitu Beach Clean Up organised by Kuruwitu Conservation and Welfare CBO, supported by Vipingo Ridge, local schools and the community.
Supporting our Kuruwitu partners and the Kenya Royal Tour
Vipingo Ridge are delighted to have played our part in the recent Royal Tour to Kenya.